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God Image: ASI Male: KWESI Female: Esi
You are born to lead. You have the ability to build support systems, friendships and kinship groups for others. Society looks upon you to lead in bringing people together for the fulfillment of their group goals. In the face of life's accident, you are the guide of the people. In the wilderness you are the haven for the people struggling to find their bearings. You show to friends that you will be there when they need you. People listen to you and care about you because you listen to them, and you care about them. You endorse their uniqueness; you validate them. You realize delay as time-consuming and emotionally demanding: but you are dependable for you and do not let your friends down. There are times when, as a mature person, you may not need friends, and you may be immune to life's accidents; yet friends are essential to you to speak to, to confide in and share your secrets, fears and shame. You can be of immense help to someone who has become dependent on alcohol, drugs, neurotic defenses, and out dated ideologies.
God Image: ADWO Male: KWODWO Female: ADWOA
You are a peacemaker; unconquerable, full of humor and self-understanding. You are capable of calling out the gifts of qualities of others. You enjoy doing the kind of things that help other people, but you do them also to satisfy yourself. You like trying to help just because you feel you are part of them, and that you do benefit yourself as you help out. You make people feel that they depend upon each other as a corporate social body. The enterprise of your life is to enable people to behave better toward one another. A sense of purpose helps you to feel that you are good. You have a purpose beyond yourself; and this lends a meaning and direction to your existence. Only rarely do you become bored. To you, responsibility to your children and other individuals is a purpose. You are devoted to helping other people despite other claims of your time and energy. You are a friend to the world. While people would say, "This (neighborhood, city, school, church, etc.) is going to the dogs," you say, "It is my responsibility to make it better."
God Image: ABE Male: KWABENA Female: ABENA
You are "mainly" full of fire and determination. You are an inspirator. You are bold. You are a risk taker. What you do is a source of inspiration for others. You do well in works of collective responsibility. You inspire people to do what they need to do. You are willing to risk a change. You can bring about a constructive detour. Certain life crises, managed or accidental, are inevitable for you. You risk letting go of familiar protective identity to stay on a determined purpose. For a while you are exposed and vulnerable; you are forced to live in yourself in a state of uncertainty; yet it is from this that you wet your appetite anew to go through change. Change involves the deepest sort of self-doubt (Often people become too dependent on the institutional parent even to contemplate any risk; and a need for change is often mistranslated). Sometimes only people like you can penetrate the self-doubt - or neutralize negative projections. You are willing to risk not only losing status or material possession; you are willing to risk losing your life.
God image: AKU MALE: KWEKU Female: EKUA
You are a sweet messenger. You have a great capacity for loving. You have the ability to master the environment and engage people in cooperative activities. You possess a sense of confidence; a sense of becoming more independent. You value a strong sense of individual differences and lack animosity in differences among people. You help people support one another in their differences. You can pull people together. You are willing to support your partners in what they want to do for themselves. You do not automatically allow work to take precedence over the people with whom you share their lives. You feel comfortable in revealing yourself to mates or best friends. You can develop multiple success identities. You extricate yourself from personal relationships that become chronologically destructive; you can intuitively pay attention to the needs of the others and their loved ones. Much of what you are known for is your ability to bring the message that is sweet to hear. You bring fame to others.
God Image: ADO Male: KWAW Female: ABA
You are presented with an opportunity to become a transcendent pathfinder. You can go beyond ordinary limits when you are engaged in what you were destined to be involved in. You come to a point where you have to make a decision that invokes sacrificing your comfort for the good of others, even when there is no certainty of return. You engage readily in social and political resistance. You are able to go ahead with what you must be doing, gradually and individually every day, even if it means sitting on an accident waiting for it to happen. Yours is always a courageous act with a religious foundation. The risks you take may not always make you a winner, but you achieve the goals of society even if you merely raise the level of discourse. You make us all more confident in our ability to know what is right. You make people see their collective vocation is to build and develop their community in order to restore people to their traditional greatness. You are a strong one, strong in will power and in political leadership.
God Image: AFI Male: KWOFI Female: AFUA
You are known to be a person full of growth, creativity and ingenuity. You are always anticipating what can be done. You are a wanderer. You have the quality of right timing. As you learn to anticipate the future, you increase your control over the direction of your life. Your primary source of well being is the conviction that your life has meaning and direction. You have the delicate web of love, work, family, purpose and pleasure that might support a fully engaged life, to a considerable degree of right timing. You are capable of training your powers to predict the future. You can search far and find a new dream if you are aware that you are approaching a dead-end. During an accident in your career, you see your new dream. You are adept in anticipation/imagining future bends in the road and preparing to shift gears in advance. You do realize that the best choice does not always turn out to be the right one, and you have the ability to accept that. (Some people of lower consciousness develop bitterness, which derives from their dwelling on a rational choice that turned out to be wrong). You are a person who sees future possibilities when the road clears, and you see the opening and risk taking it.
God Image: AME Male: KWAME Female: AMA
You are a person of wise
and gentle composure, whose gift is for bringing peace to troubled waters.
You have reached a clear purpose beyond yourself; and this sustains your well-being.
You are the most ancient one. You are the most happy one, full of wisdom.
You are the defender of the past. You can be a conduit for spiritual expression.
You tend to "rediscover"' faith during a major passage, and you
become involved in a major cause. You feel part of a larger intention toward
love and justice. You face crisis through prayer. You are reanimated through
religion though you are not overly concerned with formal churches.